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Tag: twitter

Meta and random musings.

Shorter (read: less content) blog post this week because life has been overly strenuous this week. School has become, almost overwhelmingly, full of homework and reading assignments as well as programming assignments. Besides that, work has been extremely tiring because of the workload and being short handed (for completely valid reasons –  I don’t blame any one for being where they are, under the same circumstances I would do the exact same things). Life at home has also been stressful because of all of the other factors.

Perhaps the most amusing thing I have seen today is http://www.michaelv.org/ which is a Javascript rendition of Windows 3.1 (the third operating system I ever used the first being DOS the second Apple something). This is where the meta part of this post comes in. Inside of the Javascript Windows 3.1 you are allowed to open a browser and because the browser runs Javascript you can once again open the same web page (Windows 3.1) over and over again, currently I am at 10 windows open but the screen shot only shows 2:

This can go on, I am assuming, indefinitely as long as you correctly format your window sizes. This  project gets 5/5 pyl0ns from me.

More amusing software that I found today, because of Jeff Croft (http://twitter.com/jcroft/status/81415197100) is exactly what I was looking for to make my transition from work, where I use Firefox as the default browser, to my regular browser (Chrome|Safari) much easier. I had looked for AppleScripts and tutorials to see if I could find some way of programmatically setting which browser was my default but my Google-Fu failed me. Now I can simply create 2 “programs” that can be launched from LaunchBar that will set my default browser without all of the extraneous clicking, plus it runs on Jython which is just cool since at this point in my life Java and Python are the only things I am focusing on. I highly suggest checking Project Sikuli out, there has to be something in your life that you can automate.

My Battle of Twitter Clients.

Recently (after upgrading to Snow Leopard) I have been forced to find other twitter clients than the one I had been using for almost a year, Nambu. As a part of the MacHeist offering I got a copy of Twitterrific which I tried for a couple weeks…I hated it. Here they are with their pros and cons:

Nambu (10.5 version):


  • Multi-account setup is easy
  • Good layout


  • On Snow Leopard, if left running will use 2.0GB of RAM

Nambu (Snow Leopard version):


  • Smaller RAM usage
  • Free


  • New UI is awful
  • The break outs of retweets
  • Resizing window doesn’t resize tweet field



  • None, simply awful


  • Always on top
  • Horrible UI
  • It costs money



  • Multi-column so you can see all of the info you want


  • Ugly – even if the color scheme is changed
  • Adobe AIR
  • Multi-column



  • Beautiful UI
  • Wonderful multi-account setup
  • Overall, very enjoyable


  • Pop out compose field
  • Search setup is odd and clunky
  • Dock icon doesn’t show number of tweets
  • Number of tweets isn’t shown anywhere



  • Simple, clean interface
  • Number of tweets is clearly visible
  • Search is quick/easy to use
  • Compose bar is built in
  • Slide out drawer info is helpful


  • Multi-user accounts are clunky

After my full evaluation of these clients I’ve found the perfect twitter client for me would be Echofon and Tweetie smashed together, giving me the in app compose bar with the left sidebar and the slick interface that Tweetie has.

I’m still unable to decide between Tweetie and Echofon so I am currently using both. (side note: leaving 4 twitter clients open at a time quickly reaches the API limit.)

TextMate to VIM and back, why I made the switch.

About 6 months ago I made the switch from TextMate to MacVim because of a couple things:

  • TextMate is kinda, not really being developed anymore
  • Many other options are out there
  • TONs of Python developers post about their editors all the time
  • VIM is hardcore and installed by default on many Linux systems (which I work with all day)
  • I wanted to take a side in the holy war (Emacs vs. VIM)

After doing a lot of research on the editors that were available I tried out Aquamacs and played around with it for a while. Emacs is powerful, as long as you install the right plugins…and know LISP(ugh!). Emacs is just too much pressing of the control button and shift and other modifier keys, I have carpal tunnel  and pressing Control + (modifier key) is too much if I have to do it repeatedly.

I switched to MacVim, fewer modifier keys, much simpler to use and no knowledge of LISP is required. VIM syntax is much better, but still coding to be able to code isn’t really ideal for me. Luckily I found the right plugins and the right tutorials and got everything working, I even switched to MacVim as the default editor for everything. I spent the next 5 months learning how to use MacVim and since, I got a new job, doing support for the best hosting company in the world, using VIM was very helpful.

Recently on Twitter I saw this: http://justinlilly.com/blog/editor-stats/ After looking through the screenshots of all of the different editors that are out there I began to miss using TextMate with its Cocoa-ness and modern feel, VIM is very archaic and keyboard dependent, while being ideal for some people is not idea for me). I installed all of the bundles that I wanted, and, there was a bundle for everything that I wanted. IMO, using “svn co …” is much easier than downloading, unzipping, and copying the files to the right directories and editing vimrc to make sure that the new modules are being used when they are supposed to be.

So now I am back to using TextMate as my default editor and I am enjoying it tremendously. There is no coding involved to change the background color, no command to invoke to have the sidebar open, no navigating with the keyboard only when using NERDTree, no more having to type NERDTree, and most of all bundles are so much better, faster to install and modify than with VIM.

I am still, eagerly, awaiting the release of TextMate 2 but for now I am happy to be able to change things without code so that I can spend my coding time doing something productive instead of configuring my editor.